sábado, 2 de novembro de 2019

Day 1/Dia 1 - Arrivals! / Chegadas!

Pantanal and Bonito - 1st Day
Dear Readers,

Welcome to the official blog of Pantanal and Bonito 2019!! Today was the first day of our trip.
Everyone got to the hotel at different times due to their different ways of travel to Campo Grande. Once arrived in the hotel, we went to the swimming pool and some went to a supermarket close by. It was nice to meet everyone and get to know each other. At 20:00 in the evening we had dinner at the hotel and the food was very Brazilian: rice, beans with other foods for example meat and chicken. We sang happy birthday in portuguese for Emil because he turned 17 today. After dinner we were given a presentation by trip leaders about what to do and what not to do during the trip. Things to do: drink a lot of water, use sunscreen and use a lot of bugspray. Things not to do: get in trouble. We went to bed early, because tomorrow there’s a fun day ahead, but with a very early start. Everybody is very excited for the week ahead! Kisses from Brazil.

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